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Unlock Your Potential.
Become a Digitally-Powered FMO.

Don't take their word for it, see it for yourself

You could be the next success story

I've received great feedback from agents and marketers regarding the software.

The carrier data is reliable, with consistent rates and reports matching what the carriers provide.

During case design calls, the software proved to be efficient and helped me collaborate effectively with other agents.

Tom Hegna
Josh Lumme
VC of Annuity Sales and Marketing

Annuity Selling System
For The Whole Team

Full solution for FMO and insurance agents.


Activity tracking

Track your agents' activity and see how they are doing.

  • For agents
  • For affiliates

E-App system

Send applications to carriers directly from the software. No more paper applications.

  • FireLight integration
  • Connection with CRM

Communication system

Let your agents and marketers communicate with each other in an efficient way.

Communication system
  • Reports under agent' name
  • Live chat with marketer
  • Decision record-keeping

Quoting system

Let your agents and marketers quote and compare all types of annuities and riders in one place.

  • Lifetime income
  • Safety & growth
  • Guaranteed accumulation
  • Enhanced Legacy
  • FIAs, RILAs & MYGAs
  • SPIAs & DIAs

Lead generation

Empower each agent with lead generation system and their personal website.

Personal website
  • Lead-capture forms
  • Phone validation
  • Customer cabinet
  • Live chat & SMS

As a $15Million a year Producer with FIA’s for the past 20 years I can assure you I’ve never seen an “easier way to sell” Annuities with a click of the mouse. Your prospects will realize “You work for them” not any one Annuity Carrier. Our Advisors loved it! David is one of the most energetic 24 hour a day entrepreneur! I recommend this for anyone who wants to triple their annuity sales this year!

Steven DeJohn
Steven DeJohn
Founder, Advisors Ignite USA

I have been very happy with AnnuitiesGenius since signing up for the software. AnnuitiesGenius provided me with virtually everything I need to help my client in with best interest requirements in selecting the appropriate annuity to meet the clients goals. I highly recommend this program for anyone offering annuities to their clients.

Barry Boscoe
Barry Boscoe
President, Brighton Advisory Group

Does your software actually sell for you?
Ours can! See quick demo.