The Annuity Software is Awesome!

Anyone who thinks about offering annuities to their clients MUST HAVE THIS SOFTWARE.

As a fiduciary, I have strived to find the best products for my clients but never have I had anything that can make the difficult task not only quick and efficient but a means of PROVING to a client that I am an Annuities Genius seeking the absolute best for them.

Thank you for making this annuity comparison software available. God bless you and your team of programmers.

Pure Genius David, PURE GENIUS!

I had to tell you right away. This annuity software is nothing less than amazing! I’ve only had it only a short time and am still learning but… WOW!

What I can do with this software in seconds would take me so much time the old fashion way, and the presentations are so beautiful and powerful.

I’ve already sold 2 cases with my first 2 tries and I’m still learning to use it. I have been in this business for nearly 39 years and I have never seen anything like it.

This is what I have needed for years. I am going to close so many more cases! Wish we could keep this a secret. Lol. Pure Genius David, PURE GENIUS!

Annuities Genius is THE ultimate tool

Annuities Genius is THE ultimate tool that should be in every insurance producers tool bag.

It is not only the premier source for comparing annuities across carriers, but embedded in the software are numerous calculators, planning strategies and in-depth concept reports.

A subscriber receives side-by-side comparisons and one-page summaries that show annuity contract details, benefit information, and how the crediting of interest works within the products.

Annuities Genius helps agents document the how and why a product was chosen and provides proper compliance with new industry regulations.

Take a free look today inside the newest “must-have” features of Annuities Genius.

Mark Williams
President/CEO  Brokers International

It makes me more of a professional

I just started using the Annuities Genius software and I wanted to tell you how great it is for me.

#1 - it saves me time by helping me to compare products in just a minute. I use to have to call people and hope to get the info I needed to make a sale.

#2 - it shows me the updated rates and all information I need on a product in just a minute.

#3 - I believe it makes me more of a professional when talking to a prospect because I can show them not just tell them about a product.

I am really glad I signed up to use your Annuities Genius software and I would recommend it to anyone in our business.

Frank Passmore
CEO of Certified Planners Group, LLC

Annuities Genius CAN!

With thousands of annuities on the market, how can you really recommend the right one in the age of the Best Interest Standard?

Well, you can’t. But Annuities Genius CAN! You can find THE best annuity for a client based on what’s important to THEM - performance, fees, riders, company rating, income, growth, surrender charge length and more!

Advisors Loved It!

As a $15Million a year Producer with FIA’s for the past 20 years I can assure you I’ve never seen an “easier way to sell” Annuities with a click of the mouse. Your prospects will realize “You work for them” not any one Annuity Carrier.

As an owner of an IMO and a producing agent I made sure we had David present at our day and half training class and our Advisors loved it! David is one of the most energetic 24 hour a day brainstorming entrepreneur, that you are attracted to his energy and this incredible software! I recommend this for anyone who wants to triple their annuity sales this year!

Transparency for the client is priceless

I wanted to say thank you for the Annuities Genius software. I have been looking at several software packages to assist me in my practice, I believe this software will assist me in compliance suitability first off as it illustrates the best practices from our firm. It will assist in saving me time and make our firm more efficient in today’s environment. The transparency for the client will be priceless.

It provides the best selection of annuities for my client and prospects along with historical performance, fees, riders, company rating, income, growth, surrender charge length and permits this to be shown to our clients in our office as part of our holistic planning process. The software keeps up to date with carrier changes and fills many gaps that frees up my time of researching just a few selected companies normally used. Thanks again for your support and all you do.

Rick B Stanzione
RFC®, President & CEO

Everyone Should Use AnnuitiesGenius!

I can't tell you how impressed I am with AnnuitiesGenius! As a money manager and fiduciary, I pride myself in always making the best recommendations for my clients. Your software allows me to do just that in less time than "I can say annuity". Everyone should use AnnuitiesGenius!

Thank you for creating and simplifying the process for selecting annuities. All the best.

Frank Ragonese, Ph.D.
Registered Investment Advisor

It has made a tremendous positive impact

We began using Annuities genius in our Retirement Income Planning firm just a couple weeks ago and it has already made a tremendous positive impact!

What use to take us many, many hours in analysis to determine that we were making the right product recommendations now takes just a few clicks of the mouse and BOOM! Done!

Incredible tool at the right time as the BIC Rule is here.


This is a truly a game changer

I have been in the business for 30 years and tried every software on the market but this annuity genius has transformed my business. As a fiduciary I am obligated to provide my clients the best product for them. The amount of time and effort it takes to go over thousands of annuities is almost impossible to be a true fiduciary.

Now with annuities genius I scan thousands of annuities and provide them with a customized detailed report for every client. This is a truly a game changer . Thank you David Novak for creating the Annuity genius.

AnnuityGenius filled the last gap…

AnnuityGenius filled the last gap in my ability to provide the best information to all my clients in the annuity market. We have had quote engines for life insurance, Medicare products, and even dental for a while, but you have given me one of the most powerful tool yet.

I was quoting life insurance to a client yesterday and he mentioned he had a 401k from a former employer he’d like to move somewhere else. I opened AnnuityGenius on my desktop, clicked off the options that aligned with his investment goals, and instantly the top 25 options opened up.

Blew his mind, blew my mind, and within minutes we were on the carrier’s website filling out an electronic app. Start to finish around 30 minutes, I have never sold an annuity so fast!

THANKS AnnuityGenius!

AnnuitiesGenius is EXACTLY the solution

As an independent fee-based planner and a fiduciary, one of the hardest jobs I have when it comes to annuities is having certainty that I’m recommending the product that meets a given client’s best interest. There are so many options out there and the complexity of the product designs means that I have to spend hours back testing indexing strategies, comparing income riders, verifying company ratings, and researching riders.

AnnuitiesGenius is EXACTLY the solution I’ve been looking for to get me out from behind my computer and in front of potential clients. Rather than running brute force illustrations over several days to make sure my recommendations meet my potential clients’ goals, AnnuitiesGenius gives me a tool that can provide the same information in a beautifully designed report within minutes. Our firm aspires to provide comprehensive, transparent advice to our clients, and AnnuitiesGenius ensures that we’ll be able to carry that philosophy into the world of annuities.

My Client Was so Happy to Get Income Rider

Today I went to a client's house to help with her husband's passing. She was saying I can just continue the same withdrawal payment. Yes you can, but let's see what annuity genius will show if you can do better.

I put in her information in the income rider calculator. It immediately showed two companies higher than she getting now by around $200 per month.

Then I said my concern is what if you need more income later. I showed her the tab for increasing income. It showed only 15 companies. I clicked the button and it showed a company starting today with about $35 more per month, but with the potential opportunity to keep going up if there is a positive in her index.

She looked at me and said I like the increasing one. Let's do this. Paperwork filled out and she was so happy.

Thanks again for this awesome product.

Gregg MacInnis, Family Financial

I wrote an application for $177k

Yesterday, I met with a client who was considering transferring from his out-of-surrender VA into a FIA. He was unsure when to trigger income.

Using your annuity software, I was able to quickly show him the payments he would receive in 3, 4, 5, and 6 years.

The client was impressed with out the companies changed according to the different years. He also liked that he could see the income rider fees as well. I wrote an application for $177k.

Marty Johnson

Saving me a huge amount of time!

Your Annuity Genius software is saving me a huge amount of time! Also, it shows my clients that I am picking the best product for their particular situation.

You guys have thought of everything. Now, I don’t have to go to a dozen different websites and run hypos from a dozen different carriers.

In addition, my B/D compliance department loves this because I can show them I did my due diligence when selecting the right product for a specific situation/client.

Thanks for putting together a super product!!

Closed on a $300K annuity

Just wanted to let you know that I signed on to start using annuities genius late last week, and have closed on a $300K annuity using the software.

We anticipate in the first full week of using this system, we will have a total of $600k in new production ready to go.

Thanks again for the time this morning by phone and your willingness to help me. This annuity software is truly going to change lives!

Provided Everything Needed to Meet Best Interest Requirements

I have been very happy with AnnuitiesGenius since signing up for the software. AnnuitiesGenius provided me with virtually everything I need to help my client in with best interest requirements in selecting the appropriate annuity to meet the clients goals. I highly recommend this program for anyone offering annuities to their clients.

Thank you.

Won a $400k case!

I was able to win a case from another agent because of Annuities Genius. By having access and transparency to my competition, the Genius not only gave me the edge and more confidence, but I am most excited about the fact that my client obtained the best annuity that fit their needs.

Thanks Annuities Genius for helping me close this $400k case! Annuities Genius help to ensure my clients gets the best product for their needs.

I also have another $220k in the pipeline from an email that generated an appointment in 15 minutes. Annuities Genius is like an Ace of Spade!

This will really streamline my business

I do a significant amount of indexed annuities and this is exactly what I have been looking for.

This will really streamline my business and giving me more time to market yet make an extremely professional presentation to prospects. Thank you.

Exactly What Industry Needs

I had to share with you how impactful your Annuities Genius software has been for my group of agents in just a few short months. This is exactly what our industry needs to promote transparency with consumers.

I believe strongly in simply educating and empowering people to make informed decisions. The info available within Annuities Genius does exactly that. It helps agents and consumers get a clear picture of all options. It is excellent!

Jaime Malm
VP of Marketing
Gradient Financial Group

Annuities Genius is brilliant!

It’s a one-stop shop for the annuity professional! The time savings is awesome!

In the past, I was forced to spend hours reviewing illustrations in order to find my clients the top performing FIAs. Now, with just a few clicks, I have all the info I need immediately!

The clients love it because they know they are getting the best annuity for their needs. It also gets rid of some the activities that are an mental drain for me! What’s most exciting is that AG is helping me achieve my production goals faster!

The industry has needed tool like this for a long time! Thank you!

Show the Best Annuity for Each Situation

I have only had Annuity Genius for a couple of month, but both my partner and I use it on almost every annuity presentation. It is a clean concise way to show the best annuity for each specific situation.

Stuart Raider, CLU® ChFC® President

It has become a must use tool for me

Annuity Genius makes my work much easier by combining all annuity product information into one place! I can make sure I'm offering the best income product for any scenario, find the most competitive indexing strategies, sort MYGA rates or even get product overview information with just a few clicks.

It also allows me to print simple reports or run easy calculations for product comparison.

It has become a must use tool for me; and should be for our advisors too!

Jennifer Sikes

Was skeptical at first but the tool is simply amazing

Received a marketing call from AnnuitiesGenius last week and went through their online demo with one of the reps. I balked at the monthly fee, but, read on.

I've got to admit, I was skeptical at first but the tool is simply amazing. They gave me a free 7-day trial and I spent the weekend playing with it in preparation for a Monday evening appointment so I was proficient. Turns out, it became a one-call close because in front of the client I could pull up everything, sort it, and be totally transparent. $90,000 app written.

Basically this is what the marketer was trying to tell me would be possible. Up until now I've relied on my FMO reps to come up with a range of recommendations but now I can actually fine tune everything.

Interestingly, what the FMO recommended to me was not what was most appropriate when AnnuitiesGenius sorted to our specs. There is a lot of data there - over 200 companies with a couple thousand annuities, and even more indexes, caps, pars, fees, no fees and who knows how many other options to consider. But they're all in there.

I especially like the reports. Every one you run is actually saved, so you don't have to print or save to your computer. Also they're compliant and easy to read and are compiled quickly so there's no waiting.

On that appointment I found another $75,000 I'm going to roll, and set two more appointments for next week and am playing around again this weekend so I'm a smooth operator at the table.

Now I'm embarrassed that I complained about the monthly fee.

Build credibility through transparency

I’ve had great feedback from agents and marketers on everything. The filtering options were specific enough to make it easy to find the answer or solution. All the carrier data seems good. The rates and reports have been consistent with what the carriers show. I didn’t experience any errors due to age, state variation, etc. I liked a couple of the new tools for the top Income Riders and MYGAs. They are incredibly efficient for agents and marketers looking for quick answers especially using a mobile device.

I have agents that had been using the software in their practice already, and the case design calls were very efficient while I used the software along with them. I have spoken to some other marketers on this approach are interested in using it in the same way. 

Josh Lumme
Vertical Vision Financial

Blow them away at the click of a mouse

I have had many clients tell me that I was the most knowledgeable advisor they have ever talked to regarding annuities. I have all of the information and data needed to blow them away at the click of a mouse. I know, I’m always making the best offering for the client and no advisor will show them anything better because I know I have already offered the best rate!

Brian Greco

Best thing I have done in streamlining my business

I have been using Annuities Genius for a couple of years now and could not be happier with it.
Since I have started using this, I have seen my sales go up as I am able to show prospects how I am able to get the best solution to their situation.
Once I show the software, I almost always get interaction where they want me to show them several options for taking income at different times etc.
They get engaged, and with the Retirement Confidence Reports that I create and send with the Annuities Genius software, it makes things even stronger for doing business with me.
Also, whenever I have question about some aspect of the software, I am able to call and speak with a live person and get my question or concern taken care of quickly.
Overall this is one of the best things I have done in streamlining my business and bringing in more business through this technology.

You’ve Got To Check Out The Genius

Annuities Genius is a pioneer in simplifying and accelerating Annuity sales. Its intuitive user interface makes the complicated annuity selection process straightforward and easy for producers to navigate. It’s compliance features eliminate risk, and the reporting features provide guidance that has been proven to increase sales.

For carriers, the “Genius” helps bring your annuities to market and tell your product story in a modern and compelling way. For distributors and producers, its ease of use and features help increase sales and reduce risk. For consumers, it simplifies, educates and builds trust during the sales process.

So, whether you’re a carrier, distributor, producer or consumer, you’ve got to check out the Genius and see what I’m talking about.

Mark Krantz
Vice President, Product Management & Strategy, Zinnia

Best & Most Dominant Technology Partners

I just want to thank Annuities Genius for all the amazing work they've done to help our agents give the best advice and selecting retirement vehicles and annuities for their clients. It's helped revolutionize how we do business. They are one of our best and most dominant technology partners. We truly value this partnership with them. So as we say at GFI, go for it with Annuities Genius!